Quiet Reflections

Making art can be such a good teacher as it teaches us what we need to know. It was the word ‘balance’ that kept arising when creating the pieces in this series.

Not only was I inspired by the horizontal ‘levelled’ lines of light and shadow when gazing across the sea, but I was aware of what thoughts and feelings were arising from this view. Some of us can become unbalanced by what daily life can bring us, emotions bouncing from one end of the spectrum to the other. But when finding time to pause, notice our surroundings and quieten the anxious, overwhelming thoughts, then we can calm down to a more balanced and happier level.  

I want these paintings to be a reminder of this, learning from nature and letting a feeling of peace wash over you, the viewer. It is through our calm reflections, that we can listen to the quiet whispers found within and find our way again.

If you would like more information about the size, price and medium please click on each image.

'A Stillness Within'
from £620.00
'Creating Balance'
from £620.00
from £440.00
'Finding Balance'
from £440.00

My paintings are like visual poems, an expression of my inner feelings as well as what I am noticing out in my surroundings.