Pet portraits

As well as painting contemporary landscapes I also find great enjoyment in creating charcoal drawings of people’s pets. If you would like a drawing done, like the ones below, then please drop me an email at

They are done on a heavyweight Strathmore paper measuring 11 x 14 inches and although I do not usually frame the drawing I do include a card mount that sets off the portrait nicely. I charge £75 plus postage for each portrait, where the image size is approximately A4.

“Many many thanks for the amazing portrait of Sam. It really is exceptional. Absolutely love it”

M. Gibson

“ Thank you for how well you packaged it and also for providing the mount. It brought tears to my eyes, it was so close a resemblance. Thank you so much”


“Oh Lisa, it’s wonderful. That’s my chuck. It looks just like him. Thank you!”

L. Berry

“Absolutely stunning…. the eyes, the heavy head. You’ve captured my dog’s soul.”
