
I fell in love with the Arran (a small island off the west coast of Scotland) the first time I visited and my love for the place deepened every time thereafter. It was a dream come true when we managed to get a small static caravan in Lamlash, where I could gaze at the view across the sea to the Holy Isle.

This view became my muse, a source of artistic inspiration, silhouetted against ever changing skies. I couldn’t get enough photos or do enough sketches to quell this obsession.

But it became more than that. This view could calm an overactive mind as well as enliven and encourage a listless one. This view invites you to muse, to sit mindfully and come to a place of rest.

And just as the Holy Isle is an actual peaceful refuge, it is also what I want you the viewer to gain from these paintings too. Sanctuaries for the soul. Havens that bring joy.

Each of these paintings are created with a multitude of layers, acrylic paint applied with different tools that were also used to scrape back. My process plays a very important part, as I get lost in the exploration, unsure of what the final outcome will be, staying open and mindful to colours, marks and patterns that bring me the same joyful feeling that I get from staring at ‘my muse’.

This series is only available to purchase through the ‘Saltwater gallery’





Get in touch with the Saltwater Gallery, Brodick, Isle of Arran here if you would like to purchase one of these paintings from this series.

Please feel free to browse and purchase paintings from other series directly from my website here.