‘Letting Go’

Letting Go’ is a collection of paintings that came about from working more mindfully, focusing inwards and connecting more with my art.

I continually draw inspiration for my paintings from the landscapes around me, looking out for things that ‘light me up’ inside, small pops of colour or natural shapes that fill me with a deeper joy, overiding the darker more negative feelings that can sometimes take over.

I then decided to take this same approach when making my art. Rather than portraying a scene I became more aware about noticing and responding to which colours, marks, gestures and patterns made me feel good.

This series became about enjoying the process of making the paintings, without knowing what the ultimate outcome would look like. And with each piece I felt a sense of liberation, a freedom and a deep sense of letting go.

To view more information about size, price and medium please click on each image

‘Letting Go’

This painting has been submitted to ‘Art off the square’ exhibition,Kilbarchan, where it is available to purchase.