This small collection of paintings signified a real shift in my art process.

I began to use different tools to apply oil paint as well as exploring how imprinting a variety of materials into the thick cold wax could create different surface textures. My focus became less about representing a particular place, but more about how I was feeling whilst painting it.

This collection is also a reminder of the major shift that happened in our lives at this time, where the world was in a pandemic and we had to get used to a lot of changes to what we had always deemed as ‘normal’.

During the limitations of lockdown I took my daily walks across the fields to my favourite tree, a dependable source of happiness that welcomed me like an old friend.

If you would like more information about size, price and medium please click on each image.

‘A shift’

‘Renewing the weary spirit’

This painting is currently hanging in Paisley arts centre for the ‘Big Art Show’, where it is available to purchase.